In the great heat, we head west to Vesuvius where we have reserved a campsite of a special kind. No sign shows us the destination. Our reservation request has not yet been answered and something is wrong with the given GPS coordinates. We leave the thoroughfare towards Vesuvius and swim in the lava sand. Through a fortunate circumstance, we meet a sales cart in which a friendly gentleman curiously starts a talk. He worked in Mainz many years ago. As is always the case 🙂 and… he knows the campsite, leads us back one kilometre and up a branch road towards Vesuvius. Again, a lot of searching is still necessary until we arrive at a place, more like an overgrown olive grove and a friendly young woman welcomes us: Ecocamping Vesuvio. There is a bar with beer tap and fridge, a piano, cottages with showers and toilets, shady tent sites and an event tent for the first music festival to be held next week.

Chilling in the tree house at 37 degrees/shade. The coolest place where both guests and hosts gather. There is no fear of contact.
It is like in the movie “Into the Wild” in the Californian hippie camp. Always some guys come by, work a little, drink beer, smoke stuff, make music. Some stay overnight in the tents standing around, others drive and the next day others pass by. A very relaxed mood.
We visit the number 1 of archaeological sites: Pompei. We are lucky – on the 1st Sunday of the month there is entrance free .

Amalfi, this part of coast is still missing in our live. Often heard, but how awesome this landscape is, we only know now. At 700 m altitude is our campsite in San Lazzaro.

Funny, funny, arrived at the top, we meet in the reception our friends Ursula and Hanspeter from Switzerland, newly won in Cesena. Yes, take a look back at our stories. At Filippo’s five weeks ago, we had dinner with them. Now we are going on holiday here and exploring the area together.

The places on the coast are flooded by Americans. Surely the hotspots are listed in their travel guide – Europe in 10 days. From Amalfi, the public bus torments itself in super serpentines an hour up to our campsite. It seems that there is at least one accident on every tour. Fortunately, we only experience sheet metal damage, and they take it with serenity. Reason enough for us not to rent a Vespa, as initially planned, nor to explore the area here by bike. So we stay with the public transport and choose some hiking tours with great views. We are happy to live on the heights and to be able to return to our tranquil place in the evening.

The gorges are impressive. You can admire them from the ship, from the bus and of course on the challenging hiking trails.

An hour after this picture, the sky pour out. We are just making coffee in the square when the rain comes. Our pot is the measuring cup. After the lovely campsite owner gives us the key to the attached youth hostel, it rains like from buckets. At the end, the left standing pot is filled to two-thirds. Rolf converts, 80 liters / sqm have run down. The tent has remained tight! But, if we had still been stuck in the rock face, it would have turned out badly.