East of Poland Cycling Trail Green Velo

The stork nest has to be shown lengthly. Since weeks we have been cycling through villages with uncountable stork families. Everywhere it rattles and on the fields storks look for frogs. You may think we are on the route of storks.

But we are not. We are on the 2000k long Green Velo which goes right near the boarder to Ukraine, Belorus and Litvia. It has 120 recreation areas, infos for accomodation and points of interests, six maps of the different regions which you get free in the Tourist Info Offices in towns and a continues description at the trail itself.

Recreation area which we used a couple of times for breakfast.
Signs of three different bike trails
Annoncement of Ups and Downs – not really necessary as it is always forseen what will happen
Wow, where is the next dangerous curve ?

We cycle along the middle part of the trail from South to North, from Premsyl to Sulwaki. We are going to pass approximately 55 recreation areas, relatively near to the boarder.

As we ride from South to North, we have mothly headwind. Wind from NW, because we have continental climate. The trail is mostly asphalt, but also sometimes sandy, copple stones or gravel. Best for crossers, no question for our travel MTBs. This is a tip for each of you who look for something for the next active holidays. Take your tent, in case you will not find a host, but the preferred accomodation is Agroturystyka or Nogleci (private room). A train or bus ticket to the start point is cheap as well as the whole trip.

The region is very quiet, villages like a museum and untouched nature. Highlight is the Bielowieza national parc with the only one virgin forest in Europe. Patrick, a scientist, walked with us through it.


  1. Liebe Astrid und lieber Rolf

    Love the flowered fields! The tree trunk like a person. A face. It has character! 😄

    Liebe Grüße!

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      P.S. Always happy to read your comments

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