14 countries, 12 languages and 7 currencies.
- Average stage: 95km
- Longest stage: 164 km Saliste – Turda in Rumania
- Most beautiful stage: Transalpina in Rumania 123km Ranca – Saliste, 1868 hm
- Number of days with high metres > 1000: 18
- Average speed: 17.10 km/h
- Maximal speed: 65.19 km/h
- Minimal speed: 3.5 km/h
- Maximal gradient: 20%
- Number of flat tires: 3 – probably all same root cause
- Number of accidents: 0
- Number of rest days: ?
- Number of rain days: ?, but none in the last two months
- Number of sicky days: 0
- Number of nights in a house/pension or hotel: 21 – mostly in cities or on rainy days

Salt mine in Turda – Rumania

Hello you two!
Hope you had a fine time in Korfu. I thought that it may coincide with Petra and Jörg vacationing there. ?
Another heat wave is coming! So keep up your fluids and salts.
I’m at Diana’s place. They have moved from Walnut Creek to Discovery Bay.
Enjoy your daily ride and all the adventures, people you meet!
Had to laugh at your mooo 🐄 communication 😄. I can imagine!
Liebe Grüße von uns allen