8am – wake up. The birds, the music of the sea and sometimes the traffic are our wake up calls. We enjoy breakfast what we also did when we went to work. Rolf prepares the italian coffee while I am looking for fresh-baked bread in the next bakery. We clean our stuff, put it together and mostly ready at
10am – On the bikes. Our GPS looks for save little streets, tracks and trails. Distance and time is no issue. We enjoy the landscape and got the best view while going up and down. When we had not breakfast at the campsite, we stop where we think it is a nice picknick place.

Between 12am and 2pm – we have a couple of stops. We buy fruits and chocolade because we are always hungry. And we visit a lot of tourist information offices. They have often maps and other valuable information for us.
In the afternoon we continue to ride. When we have an idea where to stay, we stop at a supermarket to buy food for the daily cooking event in the evening.
5pm – Suitable place to stay? Yes, check in, build up the tent and have a long hot shower, take a rest and prepare diner. No, continue to ride and look for the next choise. Co-incidently our daily trips are around 100km a day.
8pm – Mostly not earlier we eat, clean our dishes, some of our clothes, and then? We think what we will do tomorrow. Where and how do we go. We check our email, read or listen the news, transfer our fotos and blog.
Not much time left. Sometimes we are too tired and fall a quick sleep, because of all experiences and impressions we made, the daily ride and fresh air, and, sometimes the strong headwind over the day.
Nice to hear about your days! Glad you are safe!
What full beautiful days you have! I love that you are able to take hot showers. Yes I can imagine that your brain must be racing trying to recall all you did and saw from the day and retain it all! What a wonderful adventure!