On a Sunday morning we leave Pointe Sabbione by water bus. The destination is San Marco in Venice. Twenty passengers, low occupancy, it is a smooth trip.

In a rather original café in a side street we meet a Venetian lady, chic made in her spring green jacket. She complains about too many tourists, talks about the old Venice, about the culture, and the houses that used to be palaces. After a while, she walks away to the ice cream shop opposite, parries with the owner and then makes herself comfortable on a bench eating ice cream.

We like Venice. So big, so many alleys, from our point of view and from what you hear, bearable tourism. We paid for our cappuccino as much as elsewhere (1.50€) and not as much as for a small car, as you heart it recently in a podcast. Venice is completely vehicle-free which means that there are no cars, no buses, no mopeds and no bicycles. We also do not see an ambulance or fire truck. Here you use water buses, water taxis, boats and gondolas.

Venice is a single postcard.